7 Tips For Learning English

7 Tips For Learning English

Here are the top 7 Tips On How To Learn English Fast!

1. Read outloud.
After reviewing our videos, I strongly suggest that you read the provided script out loud, with the video and event after the video. Reciting material is essential to your learning. Studies show that students learn through hearing, seeing and speaking. To ensure that our students are supported, we have included a “read to me button” that is designed to help with pronunciation once clicked upon.

2. Practice makes perfect.
We have all heard the old saying, : “If you don’t use it you lose it.” We encourage our students to immediately practice the material they have just learned. If students watch the LEF grocery store video, then the next viable step would be to go and practice their learning at the grocery store if they are in an English speaking country.

3. Review past material
At Learn English Fast I, recommend that students review past material to improve their fluency. We have schedule templates so that students can plan ahead and schedule time to revisit past material.

4. Be consistent.
We are creatures of habit - and this being said, we thrive in learning environments when we can integrate a new skill set as part of our daily routine. In order to achieve fluency, at Learn English Fast, I encourages students to set realistic goals for themselves. If you can practice one video each day, and consistently implement that into your day to day, you will start to see results in a timely fashion.

5. Repeat, repeat, repeat
Repetition is key to mastering any new language. It is proven that when new words are repeated, there is an increase in retention. Studies have shown that words start to come naturally to language students when they master the art of repetition.

6. Slow down
As a beginner we get excited and want to learn English fast. In an effort to optimize efficiencies, the LEF courses are designed to be visually stimulating, interactive and entertaining.

7. Do not translate from your mother tongue.
Sometimes we say things differently than you would expect from your mother tongue. As an example, in some of the Latin languages, including French and Spanish we say that
we have hunger”. In English, we say that `we are hungry”. This is a variance of scope and composition of Latin and Germanic language systems, so the best thing to do is understand these differences with while spend time trying to make sense of it. When such differences are notes, we advise you to accept it, remember it and move on!

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