Hear Yourself Speaking English! ESL Playback Speaker

Hear Yourself Speaking English! ESL Playback Speaker

My name is Angeline Pompei. I had a very hard time learning languages. I originally studied sciences and spent decades trying to learn Spanish, French and Italian. I am now conversational in these languages but this really motivated me to create the tools I wish I had learning languages.

Learning English can be hard without the right tools! When learning English, it's important to hear yourself speaking English. For this reason, 3 years ago I created a playback speaker on my site LearnEnglishFast.com so ESL students can hear themselves speaking English! 

Learning English or any language needs to be incorporated in your everyday life. Those who move to an English country usually learn English faster since they hear English everyday. They also have to speak English since they need to function on a day to day basis. 

Speaking out-loud is an important part of language learning. If you use my playback speaker on my site, you will be able to hear yourself speaking English. You can hear your mistakes. You can hear yourself improve too!

I think I am probably the only ESL site to have a playback speaker to hear yourself speak English. TRY IT! You have nothing to lose! It's actually a lot of fun!

I make music and books for language learning. You can record yourself singing to my songs and playback the recording! I tried to make language learning fun for adults so those learning language would be engaged and in-turn study or practice English longer. The goal is to learn a little every day until you are conversational.

Check out the playback speaker on my site!


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